Mempeasem clashes: REGSEC calls for calm among Tampurima, Gonja factions

It took the timely intervention by the Savannah Regional Security Council (REGSEC), with the deployment of more uniform and non-uniform personnel to Mempeasem, a farming community in the North Gonja District to prevent what would have best been described as a blood bath between the Tampurima and Gonja people.


He also guaranteed the residents, especially of Mempeasem, the highest level of protection, saying that the Council, which is made up of level-headed professionals, would not stand by and let people use guns to express their grievances.


So, you can’t treat issues of security with emotions

“So you have no idea what would have happened if REGSEC has even delayed small security deployment to Mempeasem that fateful evening, blood bath and that was exactly what we prevented yet some will talk with emotions as if nothing is being done

Meanwhile, the one-time beautiful and busy farming community (Mempeasem) has suddenly turned into a ghost town as residents have deserted the place and relocated to other areas for fear for their lives.

On casualties, JoyNews checks within and outside the district and security circles indicated that forms of human casualties have been recorded in Mempeasem

Security sources said a level of calmness has since been restored to Mempeasem with the security still mounting surveillance in the community.

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