Use Ash And Taameawu To Prevent Witches From Your Life


How to use Taameawu and Ash to prevent witches from your life.
There is a saying that, if there is nothing bad outside we would have not close our door when we are sleeping. This African proverb clearly make us understand that, there are spirits that can cause danger to people when they are unprotected. Indeed as there are good spirits, bad spirits too exits who can cause people into serious destruction.

A lot of people think that demons and their bad activities we always say is a myth. But if God is to open your eyes to see what is going on in the demonic kingdom, no one will tell you to protect your self.

In today’s article, we are going to learn how to use Ash and Tameawu leaves to protect your self against witchcraft attack.

Get yourself a bowl full of ashes and ten(10) leaves of Tameawu. Wash the Tameawu leaves with salt to kill any germs around it. After that blend the leaves and add small water to it. NB: please don’t use blender to blend it use pistil and mortar instead to maintain it sensitivity.

After that mix it with the ash but don’t make the ash plenty. Apply it on your body Ten minutes before bath, morning and evening. Do this for one solid week after that you will share a testimony of this Direction.

A lot of people did this direction when it came out and they are sharing a lot of testimonies.

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