If money is not coming your way , get original cowries and put it inside your wallet or purse and it will attracts favors and money.
If you’re a business owner, always put 21 cowries inside your drawer where you keep money. It also derives spiritual theft for those that do always look for missing money
Sea cowrie shell is a precious gift anyone can gift to another. There are so many powerful prayers you can do with it.
Keep it under your pillow if you usually have nightmares.
If you are pregnant and afraid of witches changing the gender of your unborn child, always sleep with a cowrie shell, it scares witches and wizard far away.
You can keep one in your business place and you’ll be selling out.
These are some of the things it can do even without youfortifying them.
Once in a while, you soak them in sea salt water overnight.
If you are a man and you don’t like wearing bracelet, just put one cowrie shell in your wallet.
Native doctors use it as shield to scare off unwanted spirits around them. It’s something every family should have.
If you have a New baby, just keep a cowrie shell under the babies bed and the baby will always be happy and playful, plus it’ll be attracting gifts to the baby.
Don’t wear cowerries without doing the right thing on it because most cowries have many side effects.