C/R: Angry residents threaten to demolish ‘death trap’ school block

Angry residents of Gomoa Appiakrom Debiso in the Central Region have threatened to pull down a school building which they say has become a death trap in the community.

According to the residents, their children’s lives are in danger as the building may collapse if is not demolished.

Speaking in an interview with GHOne News the residents hinted that they are disappointed in the government adding that the community has been neglected with no single project from the Akufo-Addo led-administration.

They said through their own efforts they were able to build a Kindergarten and Primary School block without any help from the government.

“We are going to pull down the death trap school building before school resumes in September, 2024. If the government doesn’t construct a new Junior High School building for our children,” the resident warned.

The residents, however, have appealed to the Member of Parliament for the Gomoa West Constituency, Richard Gyan Mensah, the Gomoa West District Chief Executive (DCE), Bismarck Beisie Inkoom to reconstruct the school building for the area.

Meanwhile, the Unit Committee Chairman for the Area, Mr. Mustapha Suleman said response from the Gomoa West District DCE on the dilapidated school building is not encouraging.

According to him, the DCE said he does not have the technical eye to ascertain whether the school building is in a deplorable state or not.

The Unit Committee Member assured that his office and the community will not wait for the building to collapse on their children citing the example of what happened at the Asikuma Odoben District some years back in which a school building collapsed on their children.

“It is time we the residents of Gomoa Appiakrom Debiso come together and drive the disappointing District Chief Executive for Gomoa West Bismarck Inkoom away. Since he has totally failed the community as DCE,” he added.

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