Man dies after taking alcohol on an empty stomach

A 44 year-old man identified as Yusuf Suman, has died after drinking beer excessively without eating food.

It is reported that on January 9, 2023 around 06:00 hours, Suman left his home with some friends to drink beer without having breakfast.

After returning home during lunch hour, he asked his wife to prepare him some food and later proceeded to await in his bedroom.

When the wife was done preparing the food, she tried to wake him up but he never responded which prompted her to call neighbors for help.

The matter was reported to the police who together with medical personnel from Domasi Mission Hospital conducted a postmortem examination which revealed that death was due to hypoglycemia (low sugar levels in the blood) caused by excessive drinking of beer without having food.

Police in the district are therefore appealing to the public to drink responsibly and should have some food before drinking beer to avoid similar tragedy.

Suman (deceased) hailed from Chisalanje Village, Traditional Authority Malemia in Zomba district.

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