Last stop: treat stomach ulcer, boils, constipation and high blood pressure with water leaves

Our nation is truly honored with spices by the soul of the Almighty God for us to utilize and mend our disorders however because of absence of logical realize we don’t have the foggiest idea about its employments.

In the times past our ancestors utilizes just regular spices for therapies of their infections or ailment which makes them more grounded and sound.

Be that as it may, presently we relies upon customary meds for our wellbeing rather than the normal spices which was honored by the Almighty God.

Despite the fact that the nearby medications that we purchase for our wellbeing is acceptable I’m not saying it bad but rather it’s loaded with synthetics that carries destructive to our body which even lead to various disorder .

Today we are coming to examine about the medical advantages of water leaves (Borkoborkor),known by others.

Advantages of the previously mentioned leaves

1)Treatment of mouth smell

2)for relieving st rock

3)treat hypertension

4)cures heap (wackos)

5)treats of gonorrhea

6)cures stomach ulcer

7)treats prostate growth

8)cures prostate disease

9)treat bubbles in your framework

10)treats syphilis

11)for treating stoppage

There are soo numerous medicines that the water leaf can do yet because of time that is the reason I simply list just eleven (11)due to time and pressing factor .

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We have wrap up referencing the sort of illnesses that can be treated by the plant or leaf .

Presently how about we investigate how we can utilize the previously mentioned leaves or plant for restoring the infections or sorts of disorders which has effectively been referenced.

Crush or mix the leaves with water and drink two loaded with cup twice or multiple times day by day which is toward the beginning of the day and in evening as it were.

On the off chance that you additionally need you can simply bite or stroke off it when being washed by salt water .



Try not to bubble or cook it.

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