“Hon. Adelaide Ntim Adjudged Overall Best Female Member Of Parliament In Ghana


The MP for Nsuta-Kwaman-Beposo, Hon. Adelaide Ntim- has been adjudged overall best female Member of Parliament in Ghana.

The above monumental honour was conferred on her and Hon. Joycelyn Tetteh-MP for North Dayi by FAKS Investigative Services, per findings from a survey conducted by the latter on the performance of Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Regional Ministers for the year 2023.

Workaholic Adelaide Ntim, bagged the honour following her stellar delivery in the house of parliament, coupled with the litany of developmental project executed in her jurisdiction.

The exercise also considered the assessment of Members of Parliament and the Chief Executive Officers of the state owned enterprises in the country.

The assessment involved projects executed by the various ministries, agencies and the
Regional Coordinating Councils (RCCs).

The public were also given the opportunity to share
their opinions as far as the assessment was concerned.

About the Members of Parliament, the team considered development in their various
constituencies and works in parliament, as well as responses from the constituents.

The survey took place between the months of October and December, 2023 and it was the
12th Edition of FAKS’s Performance of Ministers project.

During the period under review, the 16 regions were divided into four (4) zones. Zone A
comprises Greater Accra, Oti, Eastern and Volta region.

The zone B regions were Ashanti,
Western North, Ahafo and Northern region. Upper East, Upper West, North East region and
Savanna region were grouped under zone C, while the zone D regions were Central, Western,
Bono and Bono East region.

In total, about 5,063 responses were received across the country.

Some of the groups the team
talked to were commercial drivers, students, business owners, traders, journalists, civil
society organizations(CSOs)and among others.
Mainly, 68% of the respondents were between the ages of 18 and 55while the remaining
32% were between the ages of 55and 78.

Zone B (Ashanti, Western North, Ahafo and Northern region) recorded the highest
respondents, followed by Zone A, which made up of Greater Accra,Oti, Eastern and Volta
while Zone D and C followed accordingly (Central, Western, Bono and Bono East; Upper
East, Upper West, North East and Savanna region.


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