Farmers and residents of Sekyere Afram plains cry over Fulani herdsmen attacks

The district chief executive for Sekyere Afram plains district of Ashanti region, Hon Sulemana Hamidu has passionately appealed to the residents and farmers in the district who have been affected by the illegal activities of Fulani herdsmen using their cattle to destroyed their farm products to exercise restrain.

Farmers and residents of the district always suffer a lot from the activities of Fulani herdsmen annually during harmattan season and this year 2022 begins with destruction of their farm products such as maize, rice,water Mellon and yam.

The farmers complained bitterly to Joseph Amoateng that, whenever they confront the herdsmen to question them about the activities of burning and destruction of their farm products they always point guns on them which anger them to face them squarely but as law abiding citizens they always reverse their decisions.

Shots from the farms

Hon. Sulemana Hamidu when speaking to Oyerepa TV/Fm midday news with Oduyefuo Nana Asabre maintained that, he has channeled their grievances which he also falls victim of the affected farmers to the regional minister Hon Simon Osei Mensah as the head of RESEC to find lastly solution to the situation.

He said,the situation demand emergency solution since over 90% percent of residents are farmers so the activities of Fulani herdsmen if not addressed will affect economic activities in the district.

By : Joseph Amoateng Jnr (Oyerepa FM Kumasi )

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