Death threats force gay rights advocate to flee

Nuhu Alhassan, a 40-year-old homosexual advocate, has been forced to flee his home in Old Tafo, Greater Kumasi, due to relentless death threats and harassment from community leaders, Islamic clerics, and chiefs.

“I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve received threatening messages, warning me to leave the community or face the consequences,” Alhassan said in a phone interview from an undisclosed location.
“I’ve been called an infidel, a devil’s advocate, and worse. But I won’t back down.”

For years, Alhassan has championed the rights of homosexuals, urging the Muslim community to embrace tolerance and acceptance. However, his advocacy has come at a steep price.

“I’ve been vocal about my support for LGBTQ+ rights, and that’s made me a target,” Alhassan explained. “Community leaders have mobilized the youth to attack me, saying I’m corrupting the morals of our youth.”

One of the residents, who spoke on a condition of anonymity, denied inciting violence but emphasized, “Homosexuality is haram (forbidden) in Islam. We cannot tolerate it in our community.”

*Violent attack*

Alhaji Sumaila Maigida exploited the situation, harassing Mr. Alhassan’s wife for sexual purposes, further exacerbating the family’s vulnerability. However, this was not the first time Alhassan faced threats. In the months leading up to the attack, he received numerous death threats from unknown numbers and messages.

“On several occasions, I received calls warning me to stop my advocacy work or face severe consequences,” Alhassan revealed. “I reported these incidents to the authorities, but no action was taken.”

On February 2, 2023, Maigida’s aggression turned violent when he attacked Alhassan at 8 pm while he was walking home. Alhassan suffered severe injuries.

“I was beaten mercilessly,” Alhassan recounted, his voice trembling. “If not for the stranger who rescued me, I might not be alive today.”

The good Samaritan immediately rushed Alhassan to the Tafo Government Hospital for treatment. Alhassan’s injuries were severe, and he spent several days recovering.

“A police report was filed, but I fear the investigation will be compromised due to Maigida’s influence,” Alhassan said, expressing concerns about the attacker’s powerful connections.

Maigida’s status as a respected community member and businessman has emboldened him, allowing him to act with impunity.

“Maigida thinks he’s above the law,” Alhassan’s wife asserted. “He’s using his wealth and influence to silence my husband and harm our family.”

The attack and subsequent harassment have inflicted immense emotional distress on Alhassan’s wife and children.

“Maigida’s actions have left us traumatized,” Alhassan’s wife confessed. “We’re constantly looking over our shoulders, fearing for our safety.”

The family’s well-being remains a pressing concern. Alhassan’s departure has left them vulnerable.

“I’m worried about my family’s future,” Alhassan admitted. “I want to ensure their safety and well-being, but I’m powerless right now.”

*Abandoned family*

Alhassan’s departure has left his family in a state of distress and vulnerability. His five children – one boy and four girls, – are now without their father’s guidance, support, and protection.

“My children keep asking when I’ll return home,” Alhassan said, his voice cracking with emotion. “I don’t know what to tell them. They miss their father’s presence, and it’s heartbreaking to think of them suffering because of my advocacy.”

The family’s daily routine has been severely disrupted. Alhassan’s wife, previously a homemaker, now struggles to provide for their children’s basic needs.

“Before, my husband would help with household chores and ensure the children’s well-being,” she said, tears welling up in her eyes. “Now, I’m shouldering everything alone. It’s overwhelming.”

The children’s education has also been affected. Alhassan’s absence means they can no longer afford tuition fees, uniforms, and school materials.

“My children are struggling in school,” Alhassan’s wife explained. “They have lost interest in their studies since their father left. Nimatu Nuhu, Hikimatu Nuhu, Ruwaidatu Nuhu, Swarbri Nuhu and Fatimatu Nuhu keep asking for their father’s stories.”

The family’s financial situation is dire. Alhassan’s income, previously the main source of support, is now gone.

“We’re struggling to put food on the table,” Alhassan’s wife admitted. “Our landlord has threatened to evict us if we don’t pay rent soon. I fear for our safety and well-being.”

The emotional toll on the family is evident. Alhassan’s children are anxious, depressed, and traumatized by their father’s absence.

“Sometimes, they cry themselves to sleep, calling out for their father,” Alhassan’s wife said, her voice breaking. “It’s painful to see them suffer like this.”

Alhassan’s departure has also exposed his family to harassment and intimidation from community members and Alhaji Sumaila Maigida, who continues to pursue Alhassan’s wife for sexual purposes.

“We’re living in fear,” Alhassan’s wife confessed. “Maigida’s actions have made us vulnerable. We need protection and support.”

The family’s situation is a stark reminder of the human cost of persecution and the importance of protecting vulnerable individuals and families.

“I don’t think I will go back there,” Alhassan said. “Because I fear for my safety and my family’s well-being. I don’t know when we’ll be reunited.”

*Community reaction*

Some community members expressed mixed feelings about Alhassan’s advocacy.

“Nuhu’s views are extreme,” said one Aisha, a resident. “But he shouldn’t be harmed. We should respect his opinions.”

Others were more critical.

“He’s bringing shame to our community,” said one Issah, a trader. “He should leave and never come back.”

*Human rights concerns*

Alhassan’s ordeal highlights the dangers faced by LGBTQ+ advocates in Ghana. The country’s laws criminalize same-sex relationships, and societal tolerance is limited.

Human rights activists say, Ghana must protect its citizens’ human rights, regardless of their sexual orientation, urging authorities to investigate Alhassan’s case and ensure his safety.

Human rights organizations and advocates are urging authorities to ensure Alhassan’s safety and protection, investigate the attack and harassment and promote tolerance and acceptance within communities.

*Where is Nuhu Alhassan now?*

Alhassan’s whereabouts remain unknown, sparking concerns for his well-being.

“I’m in hiding, but my spirit remains unbroken,” Alhassan said. “I’ll continue fighting for LGBTQ+ rights, no matter the cost.”

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