The Majority Leader in Parliament, Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu, has expressed optimism about the conclusion of the clause-by-clause amendment of the bill on the Promotion of Proper Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Family Values, also known as the anti-gay bill, by the end of Friday, February 9.
The House is expected to continue with the consideration of the anti-bill today, following its resumption from recess on Tuesday, February 6.
The bill seeks to criminalize LGBTQ and its related activities in Ghanaian society.
Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu, in his opening remarks in Parliament, disclosed that the bill is anticipated to be fully amended by Friday.
“The Business Committee on February 5 programmed to have the first consideration of the bill beginning February 7, and we do anticipate that we will be able to get it to a closure by Friday [February 9].”
He also hinted that the Ghana Boundary Commission and the Ghana Hydro Power Authority bills are also at the consideration stage.