African countries must use safer and natural alternative to completely eradicate malaria from the continent, Dr Emmanuel Kwame Asenso, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Health Talk Limited, has indicated.

He that the Manyanoha Natural Malaria be gone Program (NMP) is the most efficient and safer method of curing chronic fevers and malaria by specifically removing accumulated filth from the liver, which causes malaria and its related symptoms.

The CEO stated that every individual needed to clean his liver with Liver Specific Nutritional Products (SNP) as the surest way of healing malaria, which is part of the NMP with over 100 per cent accuracy.

Dr Kwame Asenso, who is an experienced Naturopath in the practice of correctional medicine to cure diseases naturally around the world,said these on Monday in an interview with Journalists.

“The world Health Organisation (WHO) over the past 400 years have not been able to find a complete cure for malaria. Coming out with vaccines will be the same old story. It will not work” he said.

The CEO who has researched sincerely and extensively into the natural methods of curing diseases,and the author of three health books, concluded that most information on Malaria are complete hoax.

Dr Kwame Asenso emphasized that his series of research findings established that malaria is caused by filth in the liver, and that all diseases in human are triggered by toxins and poisons.

” malaria fever is never caused by plasmodium or mosquitoes as told by the WHO. A new strain of mosquitoes, Anopheles Stephensi, which caused deadly malaria in Accra, as announced by GHS, was complete falsehood” he urged.

The CEO of Health Talk limited indicated that malaria is a liver related disease, and detoxifying the liver with specified products, would completely do away with the disease and its symptoms.

He charged the Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana, researchers, scientists and the various health related facilities and institutions, and students to venture into finding the truth on the root causes of diseases themselves.

” as a student of medicine, a practicing health professional and scientist, you do not have to believe all that have been told by the WHO and the GHS while in school. You need to to your independent research findings to confirm or counter them” he implored.

Dr Kwame Asenso stated all his research findings on causes and curring malaria naturally has been inscripted in his books including ‘Natural causes of malaria’, and ‘malaria is caused by filth in the liver’.

Health Talk limited is a first class state of the art natural wellness center for curing the various diseases in the natural methods, by dedicated, experienced and caring health professionals.

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