Abola Piam Royal Council, Tunnmaa We Royal Dynasty Has Installed Military Veteran Laremy Wade as Chief of Business Development

The Tackie Oblie Stool of Abola Piam Tunmma We Royal Dynasty has today on the 1st of May 2021 installed an American Military Veteran Laremy Wade as Chief of Business Development of The Royal Dynasty of Abola Paramount Stool and Anamase Kingdom Respectively.

Hence Fourth , He His name Laremy Wade Changes Into Royal Devine Traditional Name As ”Noryaa Mantse Adama Djata”

In a Press released on the 1st of May 2020 , Chiarman of and On be behalf of the Abola Piam Royal Clan and Council ,It members , Declared Laremy Wade as the First African American Male to be installed into their royal Kingdom to rejoin the ancient African Dynasty with new skills to bring.

Mr Laremy was introduced to the Royal Dynasty and Young King Oyanka through Graciela Blackstone who is also the Queen of business development for the Royal Dynasty , who resides within the Maryland area and was the first African American woman to be enstooled into the Kingdom.

Nii Ayitey Anumle Oyanka I, Chief of Oblieman in Ga west Amasaman District and President of Abola Piam Royal Council in Ghana said,Over the last 20 years, After the dismiss of the last King of Accra, a few of the royal houses of Ga state and GA Traditional Areas have seen very little improvement and development in performance in the managment of the ‘Ga Traditional Council of Infrastractural development , security of Ga poeple , energy equity, and environmental sustainability.

Due to this reason He has vowed to bring back in dispora and build alliance with Afro Americans, African Americans to bring new ecosystem as well as other endeavors that we’d like to explore globally and international tarding platforms which give hope and future to the fading youth society .

Nii Oyanka noted that, the matter of relations between the United States and the Kingdom have driven the initiative to manifest a Consular Office within the United States to help aid in the affairs of human rights and resource aid to members of the Royal Council who currently reside within the States, African, and Americans who we have currently seen an unparalleled harassment with lack of human regard in an unforgivable fashion. It is time to unify our remote families who have been displaced or otherwise so that we can ensure the mutual prosperity that our collective ancestry has sacrificed for us many times. It is time to show that this bond will never be broken again.

This will also respectively give a greater focus on the Kingdom as a source of developmental awareness capable of reaching well beyond Africa and into all parts of the globe where there may exist the same need to build.

For over 20 years, Mr Laremy have worked with various community groups, both locally and internationally bringing enhanced technological developments that are custom and unique to suit various necessities from the most affluent kingdoms, foreign governments, and organizations who may need custom IT platform development, to domestic member groups who may have elder members that need basic comprehensive use of learning how to use a computer.

“I have developed solutions for many that are unique when there was a need to fill in the gaps due to lack of funding or access to appropriate resources and now this opportunity will test my resourceful aptitude, challenging myself to create necessary bridges so that the kingdom may have the mutual acess to enhanced global financial provisions, making them a key player in today’s technological crunch, but also a unique approach to global diplomacy utilizing various sectors of our global native infrastructure that I have developed independently called the ECFX Ecosystem he lamented.

Under the following Coucils, Mr Laremy Wade will work directly with the Royal Council and Various committees as Mr Laremy has all the components of a successful resource to assist with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), utilizing custom created cutting edge technolgy such as artificially intelligent high frequency forex trading software, 100’s of types and styles of digital currency and credit platform systems, and even creating new forms of encryption for security or communication.

1.The Exercutive board members .
2.Land Committee
3.Traditional Committee
4.Finance Committee
5.Legal Committee
6. Women Affairs Commitee
All of the Above mentioned Comittees has be formed under the council .

This committees was approached and approved by resulation been made on the 6th day of August 2020 in Accra James Town Ghana by all memnbers of the Council and elders and King makers within the Abola Piam We Juridcition .

By Joseph Nana Yaw Cobbina

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