All the red lines for a coup in Ghana have been crossed – Asiedu Nketia

Johnson Asiedu Nketia, the National Chairman of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) has said that Ghana is sitting on a tight rope.

He said the current economic conditions in the country is a recipe for a coup d’etat.

According to Mr. Nketiah, who is popularly known as General Mosquito, the only reason there has not been a coup under this current administration is because of the country’s past experiences.

Speaking in an interview on CTV, Asiedu Nketiah added that the level of corruption and the gross incompetence of the Akufo-Addo government could have easily led to a coup but for Ghana’s history and the ordeals people went through under military dictatorships.

“All the red lines which have, in the past, led to coups in Ghana have been crossed. But because the country has learnt its lessons, the consequences (of bad governance) seen in the past are not what we are seeing today.

“And so, we are hanging on because of the lessons we have learnt from the past. But if you look at the coups we have had in the past and reasons given for them, this government has done worse,” he said in Twi.

NDC General Secretary Asiedu Nketiah
He further explained that the reason why the military leaders in the past took their guns to remove civilian leaders was because they felt it was the last resort.

General Mosquito also described the Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo’s government as the most deceptive in Ghana.

According to Mr. Nketia, what is happening in Ghana currently can best be described as “state capture,” in politics. He explained that, a group of people have captured the state and are using the state to achieve private ends.

“So once it happens like that you compromise all the state institutions all the institutions of good governance and so on are all compromised and so instead of having rule of law you have rule by law,” the NDC National Chairman intimated.

He continued that: “Instead of having rule of law, we have rule by law. Where somebody else is supreme and he is using the law to achieve his private ends, and that’s what we’re seeing in Ghana now and it is not going to be not possible for the system to be reformed.”

Mr. Nketia further noted that the current administration cannot be reformed.

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