Watch What Happens To People Who Eat Late At Night

Foods like instant noodles, fried and Jollof rice contain a lot of fat and oil that the body finds difficult to process, especially at night.

Unfortunately, these foods are dominantly sold in the evening. Most people consume these foods before going to bed which adversely affects the body.

Apart from these fast foods sold outside, most people who cook in the house close from work late in the evening. They spend hours in the traffic before they get home.

The time for eating supper is then delayed. In Ghana, for instance, the average time people eat is 20: 00 GMT and these people sleep right after consuming their last meal.

Eating late at night is very common in most countries. It seems nothing can be done about it but what will sound the alarm is knowledge about the effect of eating late. Such habit affects the health of the individual in so many ways and some of them are discussed below.


Research conducted by Healthline UK identified that eating more calories during the night where the body is preparing for sleep induces weight gain. It is even identified that the weight gain is as twice as people get from eating in the afternoon.

Excessive weight gain is associated with a host of health problems including hypertension, diabetes, and stroke. Host heart problems are also common.

Acid reflux

Eating late at night causes indigestion which produces a lot of acid in the stomach. It also leads to obesity as identified earlier. These two conditions together cause what we call acid reflux or heartburn.

This is where stomach acid moves into the oesophagus and causes discomfort. This may escalate to what is known as gastroesophageal disease. Sometimes, the individual will need surgery to correct this.

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