The Chief of Barekese in the Atwima Nwabiagya North Constituency of the Ashanti Region , Okofo Amoapem Brenya l has questioned the sub chiefs and other people who have been encroaching the Barekese Dam for farming, building and other activities which characterized by a high level of deforestation to desist from that.

According to Nana , the aforementioned illegality has been happening for so many years which is not helping to prevent the dam for the people in the Ashanti Region.

Addressing the press today at the world water day  celebration he said Barekese dam serves about more than 80 % population in the Ashanti Region.

He therefore appealed to each and everyone to help to prevent the dam to last longer in the country.

Meanwhile, the  Barekese Zongo chief, Chief Issaka Amadu Ramadan Il also urged the public to keep the dam clean.

He also added that, government should help the people in the area to do maintance at Barekese and Owabe Dam for the people in the Ashanti Region to get potable water to drink.

Story By: Michael Debra-Agyenkwa Kumasi

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