Say This Powerful Secret Prayer Before 12AM Every Night To Unlock New Doors In Your Life.
Most Christians are lazy but want to prosper in life. Prayer without working is cos 90. When you pray and you do not work, nothing new will come your way. When work and you don’t prayer, is like planting maize in season dry season.
So you work, must also pray hard too.
Tonight, before 12:00AM have small time with Jesus Christ, read psalm 23 as you say the below prayer along.
Jehovah Aniel, Almighty father may it please thee to confound the evil plans of my enemies and let their plans be at naught.
Turn thou those evils away from me for honour and might belongeth unto thee .
Jehovah, thou most honorable, Mighty and Holy God all knowledge and power come from thee turn those dangerous things away from me
Prevent me from the persecution of the wicked people through thine only and and great holy name Esiel Selah. Forever and ever. Amen.
God bless you for saying this prayer.