Never Date These Types Of Ladies Or Else Your Life Will Be Miserable.

In today’s article, I’m going to let you know why you should never date these types of ladies because they will make your life miserable. You will never have peace of mind if you date them. You will save yourself from the waste of time and money. And most importantly, your heart. Without wasting much time, I’m going to share five types of women you shouldn’t date if you want to have peace of mind.

1. I’m not a ready woman.

She is always giving you excuses. You are hoping to take the relationship to the next level, but she is not ready. You guys sometimes put pressure on women when they tell you they aren’t ready for this, but you still want to push or force them to see how far you can go in the relationship. To be honest, if you are a guy and you meet a lady who was bold enough to tell you that she is not ready for a relationship, then please don’t date her. Don’t force her to think she will fall for you one day.

2. The big spender woman.

If she loves spending money on unnecessary things, you should avoid her immediately and never date this type of woman. And the most painful part is not even her own money. She will be on your neck 24/7 trying to get you to give her money to spend on things that will not benefit the relationship.

3. Ungrateful woman.

If your woman is that kind of woman who doesn’t appreciate the money or how you care for her, please quit the relationship. You can not go out there to sweat under the hot sun, and when you come home, if she still doesn’t like the amount of money you provide, then you must note that she is just with you because of hunger, not true love. And if you are not able to provide it, she will complain.

4. Too proud.

I bet you don’t want to date her if she appears to be overly self-confident or believes she is better than everyone else. They will never give you peace. She will use it because she only thinks of herself and she will lack empathy for others.

5. Liar.

If you are always with a woman who never tells you the truth or tells you half-truths, then you need to be cautious. Because no one would want to be with a liar, and even if you were, how are you going to trust her?

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