MoE unravel school placement challenge

Mr. Ernest Akosah, Deputy Public Relations Officer for the Ministry of Education, has explained the procedures and processes involved in the school placement system to avoid confusion in the sector.

According to him, the entire process with the school placement system has been thoroughly conducted, yet some parents and guardians of students who participated in the BECE have registered their displeasure at the placement system.

He was of the view that, some of the parents believe the electronic system has been unfair to their wards since they were not posted to their schools of choice, despite having impressive grades.
Others have also shared they would prefer the old system of school placement selection to continue with the electronic process.

In an interview on the Happy Morning
Speaking in an interview with the media, he  explained that there are three significant procedures involved in the school placements for students.
He stated  that, there are  three processes each used to complete the students’ placement to their preferred choices, which he said allowed students to choose six schools. The last selection of the school should be within your locality so that if you did not get any of your chosen schools, you would at least be posted to a school closer to you,” he underscored..

According to him, there is an automatic placement for some schools, the manual placement, and the self-placement modules.
He reiterated that, some schools require a specific number of students, whilst others are apportioned 5% of students added that, the last attempt for students who have not yet been posted was the self-placements modules.”
He stated that, there are automatic placements where some schools declare the number of students they want. before coming to the course specifics lplaces for students who want to study General Arts, General Science in the order.

He disclosed that, at the end of the day, if the number of students who chose to study Science in a particular school was about 250 and all had grade 6, they consider the aggregate while the totality of one’s marks for the various subjects is added together.

He stressed that,the ministry look at the core subjects including Maths, Science, English, and Social Studies before any other two electives, hence most of the students could get an aggregate of 7 but would not  be posted to their preferred choices because they may choose a course like Science. Others could be placed with lower grades and still be placed because of the course they chose.


From Ernest Best Anane, Kumasi

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