Man assaults girlfriend over tomatoes

A 23-year-old man was recently arrested for physically assaulting his girlfriend over tomatoes which she received from another man.

The accused Nobert Mdenda (23) appeared before Ms Nomagugu Maphosa at the Bulawayo Magistrate’s court. He was remanded in court to 18 September 2023.

He was charged with contravening Section 3 (1) (a) as read with 4 (1) of the Domestic Violence Act Chapter 5:16 “physical abuse”.

According to the State case as represented by Ashley Dube on 24 August 2023 at around 8am at Dudzile Mathuthu’s homestead in Kombo village 9, Fort Rixon, the accused person had a misunderstanding with Mathuthu over the issue of tomatoes which the complainant had received from a certain man.

The complainant tried to justify herself and that did not go down well with the accused person who then assaulted the complainant with fists several times on the face.

A report was made to the police and the accused person was arrested.

The complainant sustained some a swollen face as a result of the assault. The complainant was referred to hospital for medical examination.

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