E/R: Senior Police Officer Hot Over Tribal Comment Creating Tension In Krobo

Some of the youth at the press conference
Alleged tribal comment made by Nene Nanekey Terkpertey Ofori Agor IX known in private life as Dennis Yao Terkpertey, a senior Police officer and lawyer also parading as Divisional Chief of Okper in Yilo Krobo traditional area in Eastern region,is stoking tension in the krobo area.

Nene Nanekey Terkpertey Ofori Agor IX recently accused Richard Twum Barimah Koranteng, Eastern Regional first vice chairman of NPP also Executive Director of Volta River Authority Trust Fund that, his is not a Krobo hence should desist from meddling in Krobo chieftaincy issues and sponsoring thugs with ammunition with his questionable sudden wealth.

He went on further to dare Twum Barimah to explain his source of wealth if it was decently acquired.

However, addressing the media in Somanya, a group calling itself Concerned Citizens of Yilo Krobo led by convener of the group Edmund Aboagye called on the IGP Dr. George Akufo Dampare to investigate the defamatory and ethnocentric comments made by the police officer and call him to order to avert the wrath of the people.

“We friends of Dr. Twum and concerned citizens of Yilo Krobo, called you here today to announce to the whole world our revulsion about the behavior and conduct of Dennis Yao Terkpertey (Tukpey), an officer of the Ghana Police service. We have met here today to call on the IGP, The Ghana Legal counsel and the Yilo Krobo traditional Council to bring Dennis Yao Terkpetey to book, for his outrageous comments, calculated to activate a climate of hatred, in his quest to set ONE ETHNIC GROUP AGAINST THE OTHER with his incendiary comments.This penchant of Dennis and his mischievous press conference is unfortunate. We condemn it in no uncertain terms, let alone, calling on Krobos to stand up, by singing bitter humdrums (arise Ghana Youth for your country…)”.

The group went on further to state that “This has now created a theatre of uneasy tension, but for the patience of the youth (Concerned Krobo Citizens) now in deafening silence to hold their peace, there would have been chaos of reprisal attacks to stage a revenge. It is our moral prerogative to nib this antisocial attitude of the Dennis Terkpetey, a supposed peace officer, who is also a friend of the law in the bud, since his actions violates
moral conscience and the constitution of Ghana as per Article 17 which states inter alia ”

The group emphasized for the records that ” Dr.Twum is a krobo from PLAU, born and bred in Yilo Krobo, per the tradition, every Kroboman has a village. Dr. Twum’s village is Klo Akwapem and Oluahai in the Yilo Constituency of the Eastern Region.we call on the IGP and the General Legal council to investigate the assertions made and proffer the necessary remedies, as the action of the so called chief has marred the otherwise peace and tranquility among all the ethnic groups in Somanya”

The Concerned Citizens of Yilo Krobo also stated that allegation by the alleged chief that Twum Barimah has become rich overnight,and using his unexplained wealth to sponsor thuggery with provision of ammunition is papable falsehood.

They group listed a number of youth provided employment opportunities by Twum Barimah, support for the poor through registration and renewal of health insurance and additionally, stated developmental projects such as sinking of boreholes in many communities as some interventions made to share the little he has with the people.

“Twum facilitated and supported about 200 people into nursing and teacher training collegesTwum assisted over 300 SMEs to access soft loans.Twum renewed over 4000 NHIA cards especially for the aged.Dr, twum assisted 15 people to secure permanent jobs,As we speak, engineers are at three locations of Yilo Krobo, drilling mechanized bore holes with
reservoirs to store water (tanks).Same Dr. Twum assisted and supported over 500 needy but brilliant students; facilitated soft loans to 300 market women financially to stay in business and instituted his own version of
LEAP to take care of not less than 100 elderly people in Somanya with monthly stipends” .

Some of the krobo youth threatened to stage massive demonstration against attempt to bring down Richard Twum Barimah ,the Executive Director of Volta River Authority Trust Fund .

Nene Anyeenorgu Teye Agor IX, a rival divisional chief of Okper,backed by some Queenmothers bemoaned inaction of the Police administration towards the senior police officer despite submitting several petitions over his conduct capable of distabilizing the peace of the area.

Source:Mybrytfmonline.com/Obed Ansah

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