E/R: Female Student Allegedly Slapped By Assistant Headmaster

Assistant headmaster in charge of Academics at Kwahu Nkwatia Presbyterian Senior High School in Eastern region has allegedly slapped and beaten a female student mercilessly for leaving campus to town without exeat.

The furious teacher reportedly landed the slaps on the students when she tried to explain to the him that she went to town with permission.

The student is alleged to have suffered eye injury and bruises on the body hence seeking medical treatment at home.

“Attention Ghana Education Service, this student was slapped and beaten like a thief by her Assistant Headmaster in charge of academics for going to town without exeat which turned out she did so with exeat. School authorities are trying to cover up. As I write, she is home receiving treatment cos that eye is almost going blind. The school unfortunately failed to even give her a proper medical attention aside Paracetamol to ease the pain”..source close to the incident narrated.

Family source indicate that the incident has been reported to the local Police but suspect yet to be arrested.

School authorities are tight lipped on the matter.

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