Accra CoE to return teachers unclaimed certificates for disposal

Accra CoE to return teachers unclaimed certificates for disposal
The management of Accra College of Education (Accra CoE) has disclosed that it will return all unclaimed certificates of graduates to awarding institutions

In a letter dated 16th August 2022, signed by the Principle, the college said it would return all unclaimed certificates in its possession by January 2nd, 2023 for disposal.

“The college has a number of unclaimed certificates. We are by this notice reminding all graduates who are still having their certificates with the College to come for it. ”

“All unclaimed certificates will be returned to the awarding institution by 2nd January 2023” The statement said.

To collect an unclaimed certificate, the Accra CoE has directed that graduates who have issued and have not received their certificates should provide the following details to the College for redress.

a. College Index Number

c. Name of student

c. Teacher’s Registered Number

d. Final Grade

e. Contact number

Graduates who are yet to pick up their certificates can also reach out to Mr. Mensah on 0206088310 for the needed guidance and support to make the process stress-free and efficient.

The reasons behind the decision of the Accra CoE to return teachers unclaimed certificates to the awarding institution for disposal were not made public in the letter.

In a related development, the National Teaching Council (NTC) has indicated that effective 1st January 2023, it will start to prosecute unlicensed teachers who teach in both public and private schools in the country. It has therefore called on all teachers to ensure they get their license before 31st December 2022. For the full details of this story, read NTC to Prosecute & Deal with Unlicensed Teachers from January 2023

Owners of private schools have been tasked to assist their teachers to be in the good books for the NTC before the end of the year.

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