A tragic incident occurred on Wednesday, January 15, 2025, in Antwirifo, a town within the Dormaa Central Municipality of the Bono Region. Atta Emmanuel, alias Asaase, a 34-year-old father, allegedly murdered his 6-year-old son, Jonathan Adu Jack, in a fit of rage.
According to reports, Atta Emmanuel had been experiencing marital problems with his wife, Stella, whom he accused of infidelity while he was away in Libya. The situation escalated when Atta Emmanuel discovered that his friend, whom he had asked to care for his family while he was abroad, had allegedly begun an affair with his wife.
Upon his return to Ghana, Atta Emmanuel reportedly struggled to come to terms with the situation, leading to tension within the family. On the day of the incident, Atta Emmanuel complained of hunger, prompting his wife to raise GHc 20 to buy rice. A neighbor offered oil and onion to support the family.
However, Atta Emmanuel’s behavior became increasingly erratic, causing alarm among the neighbors. He poured oil into a cooking pot, placed sand in the pot, and then used a cutlass to cut the pot. He also destroyed his phone.
As the situation spiralled out of control, a neighbor alerted the wife to flee with their children. However, in the chaos, the 6-year-old son, Jonathan, fell, allowing Atta Emmanuel to catch up and inflict fatal wounds on the child with the cutlass.
The mother and the three other children managed to escape, leaving the third born behind, a neighbour informed customs officials at a nearby barrier about the incident, and an officer attempted to arrest Atta Emmanuel. In the ensuing struggle, the customs officer shot and killed Atta Emmanuel.
The incident has sent shockwaves through the community, highlighting the devastating consequences of domestic violence and marital disputes. The police are investigating the matter, and the family is receiving support from local authorities and community members. While the two bodies are at the Presbyterian hospital Dormaa-Ahenkro’s mortuary waiting autopsy.
Filed by Agyawusu-Barima of Dormaa fm Dormaa Ahenkro