50 Miracles Of Okomfo Anokye

Kwame Kotobre Agyie Anokye Frimpong Manso was the first Chief Priest after Okomfo Yamoah of the Ashanti Empire. He was born on 1655 and died on 1717 at the age of 62. With his magical powers he helped in the growth and acceleration of the Ashanti Kingdom with his friend Nana Osei Tutu 1.

Here are some of the Miracles of Kwame Kotobre Agyie.

1. Anokye placed a Saber(Sabre) into the ground, and nobody has been able to remove it. It simply Signifies the unity of the Ashanti’s.

2. He commanded the Golden stool from the Sky On Friday that is why it’s called “Sikadwa Kofi” (The Golden Stool).It also represents the unity of the Ashanti’s.

3. Kwame Anokye took an egg and hit it on a stone, without the egg breaking.

4. He put liquid into 77 perforated pots without the liquid running out.


5. Kotobre brought a Stream out of the earth. It is called Obosom Kwabena” in Akrofoso, Agona.


6. He moulded Oware (Ɔware) Game Board out of a small stone (rock) with his bare Hands, which is still seen as Awukugua his Home town.

7. He emptied a Stream (Agyempansu) and made it to flow again and named it Suben.

8. Okomfo Anokye made an Albino sit on a stool and he vanished afterwards. The chief of Tafo, Nana Krodua became the custodian of the stool.


9. Okomfo Anokye walked in rain without getting wet.

10. Kwame gave directions to the sister of Mampong Chief(Saka) to follow for seven days. When she was unfruitful and gave birth to a Son with the name Nana Amaniampon.

11. He changed himself into a beautiful fair lady to Denkyira, with his magical power ,he charmed the King of Denkyira Ntim Gyakari. And took the “Seed of Denkyira” ( the Kings Heart) and used it for some rituals before the Ashanti’s was able to defeated the Denkyira.

12. In his Childhood, he ate small and at times ate nothing but it could sustain him for three days or more without becoming sick.

13. Okomfo Agyie prepared food in a perforated pot, and also boiled herbs in it as well.


14. He fixed thread between two tall poles, and walked on it with his “nkronnua” his wooden sandals.


15. Okomfo Anokye chewed a kola-nut, and spat it on the ground and it sprouted the same day at Feyiase.

16. He used 77 perforated pots called “Nkosena” to boil war medicine during the Denkyira wars.


17. In Nnuroso at Essie Impong , the left-overs of war medicine( orange tree ) that he drizzle on the ground, remain still.He prepared the war medicine to equip the warriors.


18. A Snake died instantly after He jumped over it.

19. All those culpable of not following his instructions against his funeral were caught up in the Bonkobuom cave.


20. During the Ashanti wars, Anokye told General Amankwatia to go to a nearby bush where he would meet a big leopard. The Chief Commander went and brought the leopard back alive without hurting Him and Okomfo Anokye used it for juju.

21. Kwame Agyei ceased the rain from falling till the close of celebrating a festival.

22. Anokye with his son Agyapa left imprints of his feet on a tree named “kyenkyen” in the Denkyira War to glimpse the Camp of Denkyira and as well as Ntim Gyakari so he can cast his magical powers on them for the victory of the Ashanti’s.

23. Agyei Kotobre defeated Kyerekye , the Denkyira Powerful Chief Priest as he tied a knot in an elephant’s tusk and sent it untied and this led to the down fall of the Denkyira Kingdom.


24. In Awukugua ,during special occasions, He climbed Oil-Palm Tree and curved it for Palm -wine to flow when there was shortage of Palm wine.


25. Okomfo Anokye commanded a swarm of bees to strike the Denkyira’s and out of fear they surrendered to the Ashanti and served under them.

26. Kwame Frimpong put in order many empty serving dishes from the top to down as he commanded the empty bowls to be filled with fufu and soup (a local Akan dish).

27. He made Darkness fell on Denkyira’s warriors which led to the defeat of the Denkyira in the battle of Feyiase.

28. Okomfo Anokye told his attendants to bring two strangers from the Asenee puddle and they did so. Later they became couples and their generation still remain with the name Aseneefo.(Asarebea and Manubea family) and currently settling at Akuapem Akropong.


29. He gave Anobea her mother and father Ano meat to eat their food. In Awukugua , His parents were cooking without meat and told his mother to prepare palm-nut soup. He asked his father to go at the back of their house where his father found two big antelopes sleeping on the ground and killed it for the soup with fufu.

30. Goats lost their lives after passing under the drums Kotobre had suspended in mid-air.


31. Agyei’s wooden sandals left his imprints of his feet on a trunk of an Oil-Palm Tree after climbing.


32. Anokye made an Oil Palm forest through his juju Powers to prevent the Denkyira from fighting the Ashanti’s.

33. Okomfo Kotobre’s foot-prints are on rocks at Akim Abuakwa and Apedwa.


34. Crocodile came out of a river after Okomfo Anokye extended a Cow-tail on the river.

35. Okomfo Anokye pointed his finger at a hawk on a tree which had grasp a chicken, and the hawk fell down dead.

36. In Sanctification of Awukugua, if water comes out of a Rock at a place named Ayete, it means Good news from the gods and the water was used to prepare nuts of the palm at a place called the Seven Adadifo. If water fail to come then it means misfortunes ahead which the whole town needs to be made clean.


37. During the Agona -Dwaben War, He put a pipe on the floor and it became a River.

38. Frimpong used his fly whisk( Podua) to direct the bullets fired by the enemy to pass by his left side to hit a tree named “Odan-gye-abo” which remains still at his village near Agona Akyempem.

39. Kwame Agyei Frimpong disappeared from a locked room and he came out of the room while the door was locked.


40. He sacrificed an Albino to stop famine after the “Battle of Feyiase”.


41. There are no accidents in Ashanti Mampong Mountains(3kum) and lost of lives through accidents after he put down three eggs in the Mampong Valley.

42. Anokye gave his mum and dad a charmed leaves to put in their armpit and close thier eyes after a big rainfall, there was Darkness all over the place when they went to farm at Awukugua.They opened thier eyes and found out that they were in the house.

43. He ordered a dead body of one of the Ashanti’s Chief General to fight the Denkyira’s in the War between the Ashanti’s and the Denkyira’s.


44. Anokye planted a well prepared plantain and instantly it germinated, grew, ripened and was harvested.

45. Anokye sent a cadaver ant to whisper into the ears of the Dwaben King to submit his rewards after the Battle of Feyiase and He did so and added a lot of slaves to it.

46. Kwame Anokye made a silk cotton tree to spread out in a form of wall to do away with the inimical.


47. Okomfo Frimpong’s sandals nearly went adrift in a river, and he cursed the river not to ever drown anybody.


48. Anokye ordered All Paramount Chiefs ( Omanhene) to tie their eyes with clothes or not to see a town whenever they are passing by. Edwiso Omanhene disobeyed and became blind.


49. He used basket to fetch water without the water draining.

50. He used his flywhisk to strike the ground and water came out from the ground.

Although Anokye is no more but his deeds still remains. What a Great person Ghana has lost ?

Is Okomfo Anokye still living or dead ? Leave your comments.

Sources : Wikipedia, mobile.ghanaweb.com

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