4 Things Your Woman Wants You To Do With Her While In Bed But May Not Tell You (Adult)

One thing is to know what a lover or partner wants, and another thing is to know when to rightly give it to him/ her.

The points below simply explain things your woman wants you to try out with her in bed as a man, but which you may not have been aware of unless she tells you.


Play and gist with her

Do you realize that women are like little children who need their parents’ attention, while men are like their fathers? So, you will be a good husband if you take your time out to play with her and treat her like a little child.

Women don’t like men who are always bossy and serious. In a nutshell, do create time out to play and have fun with your woman, especially while in bed.

Throw her pillows while she does the same, crack up some jokes to get her laughing and put her in a happy mood. With this, you’re even spicing up your romance life and boosting your relationship.

Don’t also forget that women like midnight gists. This is an avenue to say what’s bothering them. It is also an opportunity to settle a long time dispute, or issue if there was any.


Massage her body

Men, note, massage on its own is a perfect pain-relieving therapy and it is one of the reasons why women love it so much. Also, men give better pressure than women and make them have good feelings when it comes to body massage. That’s why most times you hear her say, “I’m going to the gym”.

Most women who visit the gym, when asked what their experiences have been like, said, “Males massaging fingers work magic on me”, “It relaxes my muscles; makes me feel cool”, and so on.

So, my question to men is, if your woman enjoys these benefits outside, why not be the one to personally do it for her?

Kiss her ‘goodnight’ on the forehead

There are two important places where women feel more loved when you kiss them. One is on her neck and the second is on her forehead.

But a woman likes it the most when you give her a goodnight kiss on her forehead before she relaxes to bed.

Hug and cuddle her.

After a long day of work and stress, she needs to relax her muscles and feel comfortable as well. As her man or husband, your natural closeness and warmth when you curdle her make her feel pampered and cared for. By this, she also feels more secure and safe in your arms.

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