The Nurse And Midwife Educators’ Society, a Specialized society under the Ghana Registered
Nurses and Midwives Association(GRNMA)held its Annual General Meeting and Scientific
Session on 26th
28thJune, 2024at Anita Hotel, Ejisu under the theme:“The Use of Artificial
Intelligence Technology in Nursing and Midwifery Education and Practice: The Situation
in Ghana,”.In attendance were delegates of the Nurse and Midwife educators from the various
colleges, Principals of HealthTraining Institutions, the Ministry of Health representatives and
some other agencies including the Nursing and Midwifery Council (N&MC) of Ghana, the
Health Training Institutions Unit (HTIU)and the President of the GhanaRegistered Nurses and
MidwivesAssociation (GRNMA).The meeting deliberated on the theme andother matters of
concern and resolvedas follows to the following stakeholders:
1.Perennial delay in organizing promotioninterviews and also delay in issuanceof
promotion letters.This issue has been a long standing problem that has eroded the gains
of our members. Our members are unhappy and need only solution nowand no more
excuses. The ministry and for that matter the Government should as a matter of urgency
ensurethat our promotionissues are resolved within seven working daysfrom the 27th
of July. This will ensure a continuous peaceful working environment in the various
2.Transparency in the appointment of vice principal and principals.We applaud the
ministry in its efforts to make the 2024 appointment of vice principals a transparent
process. We further urge the ministry to also ensure that the appointment process of
principals is transparent and based on merit.
3.The need to upgrade all the Collegesto full Tertiary status.Government should as a matter of urgency upgrade the colleges to tertiary institutions where only degree
programmes would be run. Again, all certificate nursing programmes shouldbescraped
by 2025.
4. Review of the internal allowances.The last time our marking, care study and project
work supervision and labour ward assessment allowances were reviewed was in 2022.
An agreement was reached that we periodically review the document.We therefore request that the head of HTIU should call stakeholders’ meeting for further deliberations before
the next academic year in September.
The AGM took time to interact with the representative of Registrar of the counciland resolved
on the following recommendation:
1.The need to have artificial intelligent (AI) related issues in our nursing and
midwifery curricula.This will offer some training for tutors and students in the ethical
use of artificial intelligent in both academia and practice. The Council should ensure that
all colleges have the infrastructurethat would support the ethicaluse of artificial
intelligent (AI).
2.The need to further engage N&MES-GH, COHHETI and other stakeholders on the current licensure practical decouplingarrangement. This we believe will enrich the
process to ensure standards and credibility.
The AGM had the privilegeof interacting with some principals and wearepleasedwith the
cordial relations that now exist between the COHHETIleadership and that of N&MES-GH
leadership. The AGM further calls forthe following in order to promote healthy relationship
between principals and tutors:
1.Principals and Nurse and Midwife Educators must see themselves as key partners of the
colleges’ developmentand try to work with the guiding principles that govern the
institutionsin order to promote a peaceful working environment.
2.Heads of training institutionson the other hand should endeavor to embrace fairly all
Nurseand MidwifeEducators,under their leadershipwhile demonstrating an open-door
approach to management. We further encourage more dialogues between our leadership
and that of COHHETI leadership.
3.The need to ensure fairness and competency in the appointment of committees’ or
department’s heads. Principal should ensure that appointments of heads of the various committees arebased of competence and qualification rather than only loyalty and favouritisms.
1.The need to effect inputs made at to the Welfare committee draft document
presented at the AGM. The Welfare committee made a presentation to the general
house and some inputs were made. The committee is thereforefurther tasked to make
those inputs and later submit the report to the national secretary for further action.
In conclusion, the Nurseand Midwife Educators societyprides itself asa major stakeholder in
training of skilled Nurses and Midwives capable of meeting the demands of thedynamic
universal health care system. The high demand for Ghanaian Nurses and Midwives elsewhere
across the world is a testament of the impact our societyhas been making over the years. With the needed support and cooperation from policy makers and other significant stakeholders,
N&MESGH willcontinue to contribute to the growth of Ghana’s health system.
Yours faithfully,
Bakinam Adamu (Chairman). Peter Claver Kabriku(Secretary)
0243945686 0246165529
1.The Hon. Minister, MOH
2.The Director,H.R.H. D
3.The Head, Health Training Institutions unit (HTIu)
4.Acting Registrar, N & MC, Ghana
5.The President, COHHETTI
6.The President,Ghana Registered Nurses and Midwives’ Association
7.All Regional Chairpersons, N&MES-GH