Since the establishment of the University in 2011 by an Act of Parliament, Act 828, foreign students were admitted upon payment of fees, which quantum has been a major obstacle hindering their academic progression as they struggle to pay.
The Dean of International Programmes at UHAS, Prof. Elvis Enowbeyang Tarkang who made this observation after the celebration of the 2nd UHAS International Day in Ho noted that the current number of foreign students has drastically reduced from 7 to 3.
Prof. E Tarkang stressed that UHAS is currently unable to attract greater number of foreign students to pursue various courses of studies in the University and that fees hike to about GHC8,000 to GHC9,000 a semester for foreign students would not only scare them from accepting admission but would defeat the purpose of international relations.
The Dean of International Programmes noted that the office of International Programmes was created as a pivot to augment a higher education enterprise in this modern system of academic progression.
In this regard, Prof Tarkang believes the office of the International Programmes would coordinate effectively and facilitate moves towards ensuring that fees in relation to foreign students are looked at to meet their demand.
“If fees are reduced to a reasonable level on foreign students, it would greatly enhance their efforts to enroll a larger number of students from outside the country to give meaning to the creation of office of International Programmes”, Prof Tarkang stressed.
Prof. Tarkang said though UHAS is one of the youngest public universities established in the country, it’s catering for the needs of students pursuing courses in allied sciences and that foreign students can’t afford not to be part of this success story.
The Vice Chancellor of UHAS, Prof. Lydia Aziato has acknowledged the current high academic fee put on foreign students saying it is a situation beyond the control of Management of the University.
Prof. Aziato said the terrain is not conducive for foreign students which has greatly affected their admission as their number has reduced from 7 to 3, which does not help in the build-up on international relationship.
Ambassador Chief Omobola Precious Akangbe on behalf of Nigerians Diaspora Organization in Ghana, commended organizers of this year’s UHAS International Day celebration which she noted brought foreign nationals in Ghana together to brainstorm on the welfare of foreign students at the University.
She called on all and sundry as far as university education is concerned to see themselves as one and work on unity to achieve the purpose of their being at the university.
This year’s celebration was under the theme:” UHAS International Community a Catalyst for UHAS Growth”.