The President of the Câmara Municipal da Praia,The President of MANRA,
The President of the Associação Nacional dos Municípios Cabo-verdianos
(ANMCV)/National Association of Cape Verdean Municipalities,

The Presiding Member of KMA,
The Secretary of MANRA,
The Metro Coordinating Director,
Delegates of MANRA, CMP and KMA,
Representatives of the Cape Verde Government,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I deem it a great honour to be present before you today. I would like to show my appreciation to the Câmara Municipal da Praia for hosting us for the 3rd Transnational
Meeting for the HORESD Project.

The purpose of this working visit is to study good practices of source separation from an African perspective and we look forward to learn a lot to successfully implement the HORESD Project in the Kumasi.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
As we all know,the Holistic Reinforcement for Sustainable Development (HORESD)
is a European Union Commission funded project involving three local administrations,
namely the Mancomunitat de la Ribera Alta (MANRA) in Spain, the Camara City of Praia in Cape Verde and the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly in Ghana. This 2.5-million-euro project aims at building the capacity of city authorities to improve public
policies and services in Kumasi to achieve lasting improvement in social, economic and environmental conditions, thus contributing to the development of the circular economy to help reduce poverty and health risks.

One of the means adopted by this project to bring this aspiration into reality is to
organisze study tours of the partner cities to under study best practices in planning and
organiszing for implementation of public policies particularly in the field of environmental

Ladies and Gentlemen,
In July 2022, the 1st Transnational meeting was held in Valencia and the la Ribera Regions of Spain.

The study tour of the la Ribera Region of Spain exposed the delegation of Kumasi and Praiato some best practises and skills needed to ensure successful operationalization of the HORESD Project.

The 2nd Transnational meeting was held in Kumasi, the beneficiary city,in November

This study tour afforded the delegations from MANRA and Praia the opportunity
to interact with the Community agents of Change who will serve as anchors for the HORESD projects in their various communities;to engage the Sustainable Urban Solid Waste Management Workers who will lead the implement of source separation of waste;to meet the Members of Territorial Management and Technical Working
Groups who are steering the affairs of the project and to participate in a Public Forum aimed at creating awareness on the Sustainable Development Goals and preparing a Pact for Territorial Sustainable Development of Kumasi.
Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is important to indicate that a number of activities have been implemented after these
two important transnational study tours.

Among some of the deliverables realize

The formation of Territorial Management Group which has 3 sub management
groups namely, The Coordination Sub Management Team, Advocacy and
Behavioural Changesub Management Team and Financial Mobilisation sub
management Team;

The formation of Technical Working Group with 5sub working teams namely,
Education and Enforcement, Urban Solid Waste Management, Circular
Economy and Gender, Sustainable Financing and Spatial Reorganisation subworking teams;

The plotting of locations for the placement of waste containers for
implementation of source separation of waste;
A regular publication of publicity materials such as Newsletters 1, 2& 3 as well
as fliers,
Winning the supports and buy-in of executives of key stakeholders in areas the project is to be piloted through extensive and intensive awareness creation
Identified and formed community agents of change to support project at the local level;

A study that has review literature, created a database and mapped out the
opportunities in the circular economy of Kumasi;

A draft Sustainable Urban Solid Waste Management plan which is been

A delivery of 400No. of 1000L waste containers, 300No. 240L waste containers
and 300No. 120L waste containers.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Today we have converged here yet again for another insightful study tour of the cityof Praia.

The Kumasi team is devoted to fully participating in all activities to be
undertaken. It is my firm belief that at the end of this working visit, the Kumasi
delegates will be well equipped to operationalised the other activities yet to be implemented by the HORESD Project.

Before I conclude, I would want to emphasize that this tour will strengthen the relationship between the cities of Praia and Kumasi, and I look forward to more engagements between our two cities in the future.

Once again, I am happy to be here with my compatriots on this essential working tour.
Thank you.

About choicenewsonline

Contact choicenewsonline.com on 0240458530 / 0548913442 Or you can visit my Gmail simonopokua@gmail.com

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