2 Reasons Why Dead Bodies Are Buried Six Feets Under You Didn’t Know

Burying one loved one in a grave isn’t the case of just burying them because people get buried whenever they die. Most people think that burying someone is by digging a medium or a deeper grave to bury them. If you think so, then you are wrong. The grave that is dug for burial should be in a maximum of six ft under, that is 1.8 meters deep.
Why do bodies get buried six ft under?

Well there are many reasons why dead bodies are buried in a grave dug six ft under. Here are two reasons why.

1.To prevent anything from disturbing the corpse.

This is one of the main reasons why dead bodies are buried in a grave dug six ft under. To prevent rouge people from stealing from the dead, or animals from smelling the decomposing bodies which may lead them to exhume them. In most cases people seal their loved ones grave by putting heavy stone slabs, stone boxes or locked above ground vaults.

Additionally a body buried 6 feet deep would also be safe from accidental disturbances like plowing.

2.To Prevent the Spread of Disease.

People have not always understood how diseases spread. During disease outbreaks, they may have feared that bodies could transmit disease. Additionally, health experts also say it is healthy to bury a body in a grave dug six ft under.

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